Sunday, November 12, 2006

Piggy Overload

  • Begins with the MSN Messenger

:: My MSN nick is rather ridiculous == Bab3 PigGY. I am too anticipated to be treated as a babe and a piggy at the same time. Someone happened to call me piggy here, piggy there, right in front of the crowd... Of course I fucking like it love it desire it miss it, but I was too shy to express the proper reaction so I pretended that was freaking annoying, hence managed to fool someone to stop it. Gosh, suddenly I realised that my acting skill is damn well :(


  • Oh my god !!! Look what I had found .

  • Here !!!!

Oh no no no ! Am I sure I'm gonna swallow myself ? Indeed this is the most pathetic reality I have to deal with. 'myspace

What a cuteee BBQ pork bun I ever seen. Nevertheless, it is still imperfect because I'm seeking perfection in this imperfect world all the time. Simply because it is not in pink. Moreover brown is my most hated colour. Brown sucks. Anyway dont ever try to judge the book by the cover. The taste is far cry from the value. It is super duper overvalued obviously, with just a lil bit usual filling in it.

I bought it intentionally from the shop because I failed to resist its temptation. I kid. Actually, I hate the price very much and definitely not gonna buy it. At the moment I had an evil idea haphazardly ran though my mind as I am hostile when hungry. I repeat, I am hostile when hungry. Get it ? I STOLE it from the shop as hostile as i could. I kid again. The truth is I got it for free from somebody that kind enough to contribute a piece of piggy bread to me.

Here comes the Pig of the Day, my favourite cute pinkish

"cow pig". 'myspace

  • Disclaimer:

The word "pig" or "piggy" described as below didnt refer to me . It is soley for demonstration only. Dont get me wrong :)

Prolly a confused white cow accidentally produced it with an even confused pink piggy, or the opposite. Here it goes. A confused pink cow had a mad sexual intercourse with a white piggy thus this is the result of the combination of cow and pig's genes. Pitty both of them man, how the lil cow pig going to face the reality ? It would be kinda interesting to see a piggy that munching a mouth full of yummy greenish fresh juicy grass in the lush greenish field.

Haha I'm confused by myself. Things wouldnt be so complicated instead I decided to make it simple. It is just a simple mutated piggy or may be it is just only a mutated cowie, that's all. This happened when the poor scientist already ran out of ideas and creativity on what to invent and experiment on.

Ok I'm happy now with my intepretation :)

Yeah ! 'myspace

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